The paintings of the artist Alexey Rusakov are distinguished by a variety of styles and techniques of execution, while each work clearly expresses his creative originality and professional mastery of execution.
The gallery of original paintings by artist Alexey Rusakov ARART.RU has existed since 2003. Here you can buy oil paintings on canvas and wood, souvenirs and handmade gifts for the interior. The site's store also presents the artist's original oil paintings in different styles, techniques and genres: Landscapes, genre paintings, pencil graphics, watercolors, airbrush paintings, gifts and souvenirs for the interior, handmade. Here you can always buy large and small oil paintings, painted on canvas and wood with oil paints, graphic pencil works, drawings and sketches, original souvenirs and gifts for interior decoration. The artist's paintings look stylish and expensive in any, even the most exquisite interior. On the site you will also find music and poems by the artist, as well as a huge gallery of digital original sketches created using artificial intelligence AI.ARART.RU, according to the samples of which you can order an oil painting on canvas or wood from the artist. It can be a landscape, still life, genre painting, surreal or abstract painting. Or you can buy the artist's paintings presented in the website store. All paintings, souvenirs and gifts for the interior presented in the ARART.RU gallery are handmade original works. Each painting is accompanied by a numbered author's certificate confirming that the purchased work corresponds to the declared characteristics and is the author's work of the artist.
Галерея авторских картин ARART.RU художника Алексея Русакова существует с 2003 года. Здесь Вы можете Купить картины маслом на холсте и дереве. Сувениры и подарки для интерьера ручной работы. Заказать картину художнику. Оригинальная авторская живопись - Художник Алексей Русаков.
Какую картину вы бы хотели? - Пройдите небольшой опрос который займёт у Вас не более двух минут и получите персональное предложение от художника.
All materials presented on the site are the intellectual property of the artist Alexey Vladimirovich Rusakov and are protected by copyright law. The use of any images and other materials from this site is possible only with the written permission of the artist.
Gallery of author's paintings ARART.RU - 2003-2024 - Artist Alexey Rusakov - Original author's paintings to buy online, painting, handmade gifts, stylish souvenirs for the interior. Paintings to order